Friday, 8 March 2013


So sorry, long time no update. This post is just basically an update of what is going on in my life at the moment.

Firstly, pregnancy. It's all going fine, got a month till my due date, which is kind of scary, but on the other hand I can't wait to meet my little boy and actually feel comfortable again. It is so hard to get comfortable whether I am sitting down or laying in bed at night trying to get to sleep. My boyfriend Steve told me last night I had started to waddle - which is meant to be a sign that your baby is engaged. But I'll see what my midwife says on Monday morning when I next see her. I am now on maternity leave, and basically living in leggings and my yoga pants from Matalan which are so comfortable.

So what have I been doing since I finished work? Basically cleaning, housework, laundry, watching youtube videos, reading blogs and cross-stitching. I view the flat as a complete mess though, because of all the baby things around the place. And I have my clothes sitting on the floor so my little boys clothes can be away in a drawer. So we've bought some more baby stuff. I have put away my breast pump, bottles and steriliser in a kitchen cupboard. Steve and I have also been looking at houses, which brings me on to my next subject.

We have had a bid accepted on a 3 bedroom house! It's lovely, basically we're able to move into it straight away there's only one thing we want to do before we move in, which is perfect, as we don't want the hassle of having to sort things out with our little one due so soon. So we (or shall I say Steve) has been ringing up Solicitors, I did arrange an appointment with our mortgage consultant, and she has found a really good mortgage for us. Just got to get some paper work together to drop into her before she can actually sort out the mortgage for us. I would definitely recommend getting a mortgage consultant. There's so many mortgages about & they have a database that accesses all of them. So things are moving forward at a rapid rate. Good job too, because I'm getting rather fed up in this flat, as it's only one bedroom & pretty small really. And we are limited with storage space.

Right, I think that's all for now. Hope everyone is well & achieving what you all want to achieve.