Friday, 27 November 2015

Amazon Black Friday Deals Week Purchases 2015

Amazons Black Friday Deals Week is their biggest yet this year, and I may have bought a few things for Ben and myself (whilst actually seeing if the present that I am getting my sisters boyfriend for Christmas was in it - it was but when I was at work last night so missed out on it!). I thought I would show you what I purchased. As I've literally done Christmas shopping (apart from Steves and my sisters boyfriend) I decided to make some sneaky purchases.

 Wow Toys Farmyard Advent Calendar - I bought Ben the Wonderland Advent Calendar last year, was fun opening up the toys more for me than him. So now he's older and this one was half price I decided to buy him another one.

 Real Techniques Expert Face Brush - I had to purchase this as after 2 years my previous brush had given up.

I love doing jigsaws and since I moved out I have had anywhere to do one! I've wanted a porta puzzle for ages, as picked it up at £11.99, along with a Christmas puzzle as well. Which I'm hoping to get done throughout December.

Leapfrog LeapReader - I've always planned on getting this for Ben, I payed £16.99 for it (retail price is £40!!). Bens still a bit young for this at the minute being 31 months. But I'm thinking about getting it out for him during the long Summer holidays (as he's now at pre-school). And if I get a few books and some interactive learning programs to do with him I think he'll be alright with it.

Karrimor Cordova Weathertite Snow Boots - Yes I purchased some snow boots and I live in Eng-land. But I figured they'd last me years and will good to keep my feet warm whilst I'm at the football, and also if I have an icy walk to work.

OPI's Catch A Falling Star gift set, and Ce-less-tial Is More - I bought these as a present to myself after a stressful day

A Christmas Jumper that's from Boohoo, I don't actually have a proper Christmas jumper, I have a sweatshirt and a couple of t-shirts, but really wanted to wear a Christmas jumper on Christmas Day this year. I'll probably team it with my black skater skirt and some of Primarks super cosy tights.

Friday, 20 November 2015

0-6 Month Gift Ideas

Here's my first gift guide for this year! Just a few ideas for the younger baby, as it's harder when they're so young, I discovered this and Ben was 8 months old for his first Christmas,

Mamas and Papas Snug and Activity Tray - £54.12
Fisher Price Newborn to Toddler Play Gym - £39.99
Sophie The Giraffe Teether - £12.99
Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperoo - £69.99
Baby Einstein Explore and Discover Soft Blocks - £13.99
Lamaze Freddie the Firefly - £7.98
Mamas and Papas Large Elephant Activity Toy - £15.99

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Ben's Christmas Clothes 2015

We all like to wear something Christmas related throughout December! I like to pick Ben up a few items each year. This year this is what I have bought him.

I love this adorable reindeer hoody, I picked this up from Jojo Maman Bebe, it's £20, which I think is a great price as it's super soft. And comes in sizes 6-12 months up to 5-6 years.

I picked these pyjamas up from George at Asda, for just £6. These are going to be Ben's Christmas pyjamas for through out December. I have some more for his Christmas Eve box, I will be doing a post on that once it's completed.
Lastly a couple of tops, the long sleeved t-shirt is from Tu at Sainsburys and was £3.50. The jumper is from Boots Mini Club ad was £12. I just had to pick it up when I saw it!

Have you bought your children (or yourself) and Christmas clothing this year?

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Our Halloween 2015

Here are a few photos from our Halloween, we spent the evening round my parents and all dressed up (apart from my dad).

My mums homemade Halloween style chocolate cake (was lovely)

Ben was a pumpkin (from Sainsburys) and I was a cat.

On the Friday before Halloween Ben and I decorated these gingerbread biscuits which we picked up from Morrisons whilst doing our weekly food shop. 

I love it that Ben can now start doing more things himself, going to aim to do some more crafty things with him, and he's already done his first picture at Nursery.
Hope you all had a good Halloween, how did you spend it?

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Menorca Holiday 2015 - The Second Week

So I know this post has been a long time coming, as I said in my previous post now Ben is attending pre-school I have more time. He's there as I'm writing this post, and I've just done loads of housework, and now have 40 minutes before he needs picking up.
So these are some photos from the second week of our holiday, all the way back in June. But I have still decided to post them, as some of you may be looking into where you would like to visit next Summer.

Where are you thinking of going on holiday next year, we're thinking Turkey or another Spanish island.

Monday, 2 November 2015

Weekly Meal Plan #3

This is our meal plan for the week

Monday - left over spaghetti bolognaise (I always freeze left overs if possible)
Tuesday - Hot dogs, normally do Ben a few chips and corn to have with his sausage
Wednesday - Chicken Enchilada's, will be using the Morrisons enchilada pack for this.
Thursday - Fray Bentos chicken pie for me, probably with some frozen corn. Ben and Steve will have tortellini and tomato and mascarpone sauce
Friday - Freezer meal, possibly battered cod and sweet potato fries. Steves away on his brothers stag do. My sister is taking Ben to Pizza Hut whilst I'm at work.
Saturday - Steves still away, so Ben and I are having some party food as a treat, hehe!
Sunday - Not too sure, Steves home and I'm at work all day so neither of us will want to cook, so either take-away or what ever is in the cupboard/freezer.

It is also Bens first week at Pre-school this week. He has been a nightmare the last couple of days as we were round my parents for Halloween and he went to be later, and hasn't caught up on sleep yet. So early tea and then bath and bed for him, as if he wakes up earlier tomorrow it will give us longer to get ready so won't bother me too much. Hoping to start posting regularly again soon. I do have a few posts planned in my head!

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Update #5


Sorry it's been a long time no post! Currently not feeling my usual happy self, and got a lot of things going on.

Firstly we've got a pre-school for Ben to attend, he starts after half term, doing Tuesday and Thursday mornings, 9am-12pm. This will benefit us both so much, he'll be able to socialise with other children around his age, and learn to be apart from me more, and experience new things whilst there. And I can then get things done such as housework and blog related things whilst he's there.

I've been on a mission to complete my cross-stitch kit that's for my grandparents for Christmas and I still have quite a bit to do, with Ben around it's hard.

I also feel the need to get something of my chest! Steve doesn't want to have another child, and I am so so broody it's getting me down. I am trying to persuade him, but it's not working. Then there's also the fact that I feel like he doesn't want to speak to me, He comes home from work, I do dinner, then whilst I'm putting Ben to bed he starts playing Destiny, and then doesn't come to bed until midnight, by then I'm fast asleep. I tried talking to him about it on the phone whilst he was on his break, he doesn't seem to understand. Tonight I'm at work and have asked him to stop playing when I get home (he used to do this), so hopefully he will. He doesn't seem to understand how all this is getting me down. I have always said that I want 2 children! I just don't know what to do, I'm going to try and talk to him about it tonight, see if I get anywhere with either subject. He keeps coming up with excuses for not wanting another child, all of which are really silly. Like still needing to go on holiday, I said I'd quite happily go on holiday whilst pregnant, and not having enough room, when we live in a 3 bedroomed house!

If anyone has any advice for me I would be very grateful!

Wednesday, 30 September 2015

October Goals and an Update

Hello everyone, after my little break from blogging whilst we were in France, I am back. We had a lovely holiday, although a bit strange with us three and Steve's dad! The weather wasn't the best & we only visited one place, but it was nice to get away and go out for meals. Although Ben is really in the flow of the terrible twos now, and I didn't think he could get any worse! He seems to have developed a bit of a fear of the dark, which I think was down to being in a difference place to sleep. And he would wake up in the middle of the night and get in our bed! And is still doing this now we're back at home. I've finally ordered a safety gate for his bedroom door so he won't be able to get out of his bedroom. Although why they all say they're only suitable for use with up to 2 year olds is beyond me!

Since we've got home I've been trying to get all the washing done and the suitcases empty. I'm slowly getting there, we did come home with a suitcase full of clean clothes, but as I like Ben to have ironed clothes I now have a massive ironing pile - something to start on tomorrow.

Whenever I'm in France I always seem to get lots of ideas and inspirations for things! As it's so quite you can actually think, and maybe it's all the fresh air we get when we're there! So I thought I would do a few goals for the month of October. I would actually really like to make this a monthly thing. As it's the last day of September, it's the ideal time to post them.

- Buy all my Christmas cards
- Organise Ben's wardrobe
- Start organising Ben's toys in a better way
- Start sorting out my clothes
- Clean and tidy the top of my dressing table
- Sort out and clean and tidy the main kitchen food cupboard

Thanks for reading!

Friday, 4 September 2015

Bens 28/29 Month Update

Ben recently had his 2 year check up with a health visitor (we seem to see a different one every time), so I thought I would do his next update.

Although this was his 2 year check up, it was done using the 30 month ASQ questionnaire, which can be filled in between 28 months and 16 days through to 31 months and 15 days. Ben was bang on the 28 months and 16 days when he had his appointment.

If any parents have done the questionnaires with their children, then you know they are very thorough, and can have some strange things on them, to try and get your child to do.

There are different sections, Ben was great with communication and problem solving. His speech is great, and I definitely think he is ahead for his age, as one of the questions was "Does your child make sentences of 3 or 4 words long", Ben will make up sentences of 5 or 6 words long. Gross motor skills, basically movement, he is doing most things under. The only thing that he was down on is the fine motor skills, which involves drawing, turning pages in books and threading. Well most threading activities that you can buy say from age 3 anyway (and I actually have him one for Christmas). And since our visit he has actually starting drawing lines across the page, before he was only going up and down. Personal Social is also low, this is doing things by himself, like feeding himself with a spoon, pulling trousers up and down, and putting on his coat/cardigan by himself.

My plan is to work at the things he can't do. Concentrating on the drawing first, he needs to draw circles next under that.

I'm not worried about him being lower on some aspects because he is so ahead in his speech, and he knows his letters, numbers and colours (which aren't covered?).

I've started getting him to help a bit around the house. Just simple things like taking dry washing off the clothes horse and putting it in the basket, putting rubbish in the bin, and putting his bowls and plates away after I've washed them up, as well as putting his toys away.

We're also working on the potty training, just leaving him with no bottoms or nappy on. And he's doing great like that, and will go sit on the potty when needed. And has even done 1 poo on there (which I missed as I was at work). I did try him with pants on today, and we had 3 accidents. But once he learns they're not a nappy then we'll be good, as he obviously knows when he needs to do. As I've been keeping the potty in the lounge, I'm going to put it on the toilet, so he has to tell me he needs to go. As we are off on holiday, this is a work in progress. I will start putting pull ups on him when we go out now, so that if he asks to go, then it will make things easier.