Thursday, 22 October 2015

Update #5


Sorry it's been a long time no post! Currently not feeling my usual happy self, and got a lot of things going on.

Firstly we've got a pre-school for Ben to attend, he starts after half term, doing Tuesday and Thursday mornings, 9am-12pm. This will benefit us both so much, he'll be able to socialise with other children around his age, and learn to be apart from me more, and experience new things whilst there. And I can then get things done such as housework and blog related things whilst he's there.

I've been on a mission to complete my cross-stitch kit that's for my grandparents for Christmas and I still have quite a bit to do, with Ben around it's hard.

I also feel the need to get something of my chest! Steve doesn't want to have another child, and I am so so broody it's getting me down. I am trying to persuade him, but it's not working. Then there's also the fact that I feel like he doesn't want to speak to me, He comes home from work, I do dinner, then whilst I'm putting Ben to bed he starts playing Destiny, and then doesn't come to bed until midnight, by then I'm fast asleep. I tried talking to him about it on the phone whilst he was on his break, he doesn't seem to understand. Tonight I'm at work and have asked him to stop playing when I get home (he used to do this), so hopefully he will. He doesn't seem to understand how all this is getting me down. I have always said that I want 2 children! I just don't know what to do, I'm going to try and talk to him about it tonight, see if I get anywhere with either subject. He keeps coming up with excuses for not wanting another child, all of which are really silly. Like still needing to go on holiday, I said I'd quite happily go on holiday whilst pregnant, and not having enough room, when we live in a 3 bedroomed house!

If anyone has any advice for me I would be very grateful!

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