Wednesday, 31 August 2016

19 - 20 Weeks Pregnant

Sorry about the lack of a 19 week update, basically had a major lack of motivation, and tiredness seemed to get worse!

So I'm still tired, still got heartburn and still get the odd time I feel sick. I've had quite a bit of backache, which I think may have actually been down to sweeping and mopping at work twice in one week. I also had a day where I felt really achy down below (TMI I know!), and this happened to happen on a day I worked 7am - 5pm. Have also had a bit of constipation. Oh the joys of being pregnant. But the best thing is gradually feeling more movement, and I finally seemed to have popped as well. 

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

14 - 18 Weeks Pregnant Baby #2

Week 14 saw the introduction of heartburn and the purchasing of some Gaviscon. I am now taking either Gaviscon or Tums for it, depending on how bad it is.

Still feeling super tired, although this is gradually improving. I feel a lot better when Ben sleep through the night. Except he tends to wake up on the nights before I have to work, so I'm like a zombie at work and can't focus properly, but I struggled on through anyway!

I also had a hot flush at work one day, I think it was because I have to rush to get up and out (I have since set my alarm for 5 minutes earlier) and didn't eat enough before work (now I eat more). It obviously doesn't help that I have a half hour walk before even starting.

I find I still feel sick if I get too tired. And I can now eat after I finish work. I used to be too tired and not hungry after working in a hot kitchen! I was even sick one night after work. After not being sick at all in the first trimester!

I had my 16 week midwife appointment, bloods all came back fine, blood pressure is good and we (Ben & I) got to hear babies heartbeat which was lovely.

I also had a Consultant appointment in my 16th week as well, as I had a 3rd degree tear with Ben, just to check I'm okay to be midwife led again, which I am. So am considering a water birth, I just need to do some research on it. I know it's meant to reduce the risk of tearing, and there is a 10% chance of me having at 3rd degree tear again.

Sorry no bump photos, I will now start doing weekly bump updates, as of tomorrow I'll be 19 weeks, can't believe it's gone so fast!

Thursday, 11 August 2016

0 - 14 Weeks Pregnant First Trimester Baby #2

I figured the best thing to do after announcing my pregnancy was a re cap of it so far, and then I hope to do as many weekly posts as possible.

As we were actually trying and I am pretty sure when I ovulated (I go by my cervical mucus if anyone wants to know.) I knew I was late as I hadn't started on the Monday I was meant to, so I took a test on the Tuesday morning, and it came up pregnant.

That week I came down with a sickness bug (just what I didn't want, but all 3 of us got it!). 

Before I go any further my dating scan changed my dates so change over is a Thursday, rather than the Sunday which I thought it would be. Or am pretty sure is the day I ovulated. I know all babies develop differently. So I actually had this sickness bug in the beginning of week 6 as it hit on a Thursday!

As I recovered from that horrible bug I then started to experience pregnancy symptoms which were sore breasts along with shortness of breath. And starting to feel more hungry as well. I also had my pregnancy confirmed by a nurse at my GP's Surgery so I could book my Booking In appointment with my Midwife.

My breasts got more sore in week 7, and started feeling bruised and my nipples also started hurting. I can't remember having sore nipples when I was pregnant with Ben! The tired also kicked in as well, I have never felt tired like it before. I seriously have not been able to do hardly anything! Work has been such a struggle sometimes too. I'm lucky as we went on holiday when I was 9 weeks pregnant for 2 weeks so didn't have to worry about doing too much.

Week 7 is also when the sickness kicked in, and this lasted the rest of the trimester too. And normally got worse when I was really tired. So this wasn't much fun to cope with on holiday. Luckily I got through the whole trimester without actually being sick so that was good!

Week 7 was also when Steve noticed that my hips were already wider! Other than that I didn't notice much different in my waist during the first Trimester other than the evening bloat that came on every evening. But I'd wake up in the morning with a flat stomach.

All these symptoms then stayed for the whole trimester and longer!

I didn't have my dating scan until I was actually 13 weeks and 6 days! We decided against the screening tests, as we didn't have the Downs Syndrome test when we had bed. Every thing was fine, baby has 2 arms, 2 legs and she zoomed right up to the heart as well.

Thursday, 4 August 2016


I'm currently 17 weeks pregnant! I'm so excited about having another child, and Ben being a big brother!

We actually had our scan 3 weeks ago, but I've been feeling really rubbish, and I'm still not feeling normal, but I can't carry on not doing anything so I'm pushing through it.

Both of our families are really excited! And Ben has known from the day I found out (he loves to climb on me and did want to be carried a LOT so we had to tell him).

My estimated due date from our dating scan is 12th Jan! Really love the thought of having a Winter baby! And Ben still has time to bond with his brother or sister before he starts at school.